The Glass, Sticks and Bricks fund is for the restoration and preservation of our 120 year-old building. The building was put on the National Register of Historic buildings in 1975. For more information on our building, and our very unique history, visit our History page.
Our leaded glass windows, two of which are Tiffany glass, were installed over 100 years ago. The windows are all in need of repair or restoration. Over the last 2 years we have restored the clock tower, which houses our Nels Johnson clock, and waterproofed the entire building.
The funds were either raised ($28,000), donated ($50,000) or borrowed ($50,000) from our endowment. Tower project, phase 1, was completed in June of 2013 and the window restoration, Phase 2, will begin in April of 2014 with 4 windows already funded or adopted. Phase 3 will be the replacement of the slate roof and Phase 4 will be the restoration of the sanctuary organ. See our Progress Page for more information on the Phases.