Our church ministries are the way that we do God’s work at home, in the community and outside our community. It includes Community Outreach and Worship both of which are explained in full on other pages in the website. Within our church it includes Christian Education, Youth Activities, Mens and Womens Groups, Stewardship and Fellowship.
Christian Education
We have a very active Sunday School for elementary age children. This is their opportunity to learn about God and the Bible. The classes offer a combination of study and physical activity which enhances the learning process. Adult education is provided through both Bible Studies and Book Clubs which take place during the week. During the summer months in lieu of traditional Sunday School, different members of the congregation share their unique talents and gifts with the young people. These have included bike riding, science experiments, and song singing.
The Stewardship Team is responsible for designing and leading the annual stewardship drive, developing the budget with input from staff, committees, leadership council and the Treasurer. During the year the Stewardship Team works with the Treasurer to oversee the general financial health of the church.
The worship team helps the minister to plan, and design meaningful worship experiences, this can include helping to dress the worship space, or serving communion.
The Fellowship Team is responsible for organizing and overseeing numerous activities during the year that foster camaraderie and support christian activities within the church. The activities include the weekly coffee hour, Founders Day Brunch, Tailgate Luncheon, Thanksgiving Dinner and the Hanging of the the Greens.
Community Outreach
The Community Outreach Team serves the needs of our own members, by helping to care for those who are ill, homebound, or in care facilities. They also provide special services, such as meals to people recuperating from recent hospitalization, facing illness or death, or transportation services to people unable to drive themselves. In addition, they assist the pastor with the reception of new members, helping them to become acquainted in the church. They also plan for our participation in community outreach programs such as the Community Table, Safe Harbor and other ministries. And finally, they oversee our wider church relationships with the United Church of Christ at the state, national, and world-wide levels.
Our Fellowships
Youth Activities
During the course of the year the youth participate in a number of activities ranging from canoe trips to trick or treating. There is also ample opportunity for the youth to participate in service projects and often they are involved in community outreach.
The youth group meets most Sundays from 4:30-6:30pm. We are open to ages 3rd grade and up. Please contact the office for more information. The youth group will be taking a break until the fall. Check back for information on special summer events.
Women's Fellowship
The Women’s Fellowship meets after worship on the fourth Sunday of every month. All Women who are interested in fellowship opportunities are invited to join the group. The women regularly attend the Wednesday Morning Classic at the Vogue Theater, as well as bi-monthly dinner outings.
Men's Fellowship
The Men’s Fellowship is being formed right now, so this is a great time to get in on the planning. More information coming soon!
Book Club
The church has a an ongoing book club that meets Tuesdays at 11:00am. New voices and readers are welcome at anytime. Please join us. Contact the office for information on the current book.
Soup And Study
We participate in Bible Study with 4 session series’ called soup and study. We have a light soup supper together then enjoy study and discussion. These happen most Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm. *Soup and Study will be taking a break for the summer! See you all in the fall!
Music Program
There is an active choir at Manistee UCC, new singers are always welcome to join and participate. The Choir sings most Sundays. Our choir director Sarah, always chooses wonderful pieces that are singable and sound great!
Craft Group
Our craft groups meets the 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 9:00am-12 noon. They work hard to create many of the wonderful items that are sold during our fall Bazaar each year. Although it is a lot of work, they do have a lot of fun too!