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Sailing Window

Our Windows

  • The round window, in the South, is in memory of Russell and Susan Barnes, early members of the church. The sixth generation of that family is on our membership rolls today—Erin Hoffrichter, daughter of Mary Kennedy Hoffrichter.

  • The opposite window, the Dovel window, was given by Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Dovel in memory of their daughter, Dolly who died of “the fever”. Mr. Dovel was an early Prosecuting Attorney in Manistee.

  • The Stephens window (below the Dovel window) was given in memory of a long-time choir director in the church, who was a local music teacher.

  • The Christian Endeavor windows, on the South, were given by the Junior and Senior groups of that organization. Christian Endeavor was a national interdenominational movement started in the late 1800’s to revitalize the Sunday Schools.

  • Lottie Billings was Carrie Filer’s niece, and when the minister dedicated the window he said that she “went directly from innocence to eternity.”

  • The Blacker window, portraying St. Cecilia is believed to be patterned after the artwork of a German artist, Gustav Naujok (pronounced Goo’ staff Noo’ chuck) who was born in Berlin in 1861.

  • The Weaver window was dedicated in memory of Mrs. Charlotte Weaver, a St. Louis, Missouri resident who summered at Portage Lake. Dr. Brodie (minister when the window was installed) once told Louise Greenaway that a niece from St. Louis gave the window to show the care Mrs. Weaver had given her.

  • The Peters window was in memory of he first Mrs. Peters. For the second Mrs. Peters, her husband built the W.C.T.U. Hall. Temperance was an important issue in lumbering days because of the large number of both rough lumberjacks and roaring saloons. Susan Barnes had started the Women’s Temperance Association, but when Mrs. Peters was instrumental in the beginning of the W.C.T.U., Mrs. Barnes joined with her.

Windows Photography by Elizabeth Hollenberg Powers

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